Monday, May 19, 2008

Service Learning Reflection(April 11)

(1)Three positives about the meeting on the 11th was..... we were starting to get organized with our information, we were very focused and ready to work, and we i delivered a message to a couple of service learning groups and told ask them if they can recycle any bottles or any trash they have that can be recycled. Things that need to be improved is that we work diligently every meeting because this was the only day we were focused and ready to do work. This is the only improvement we need to make in our group. I dont have any questions about my role or mission in my group. My role is to be a leader and set examples which i am currently doing and my mission is to get people to recycle.

(2) is a good website that relate to my group because on the website it talks about one of the main items that get recycled and what is made out of the recycled scraps. Some ideas this gives me for my group is to....only collect glass and compare number to what they got and another one is we can bring in some things glass is made out of

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